Staci Shearer, Krista Herling, Matthew Crane, Barbara Walters, and Mike


December 18, 2023

1. Regular Session

  • Called to order.

  • Roll call, introductions, and guests.

  • Changes to published Agenda.

2. Consent Agenda

  • Approval of Minutes (December 4, 2023)

3. Public Comment.

4. Attorney time:

5. Microsoft: Well test. Second addendum, bill of sale, easement.

6. Old business:

  • System Report: Manager.

  • Financial statement.

  • Public hearing on 2024 budget.

7. New Business:

8. Commissioners’ comments.

9. Review and sign vouchers.

10. Meeting adjourns.

11. Next Meeting January 8, 2024, at 3957 Malaga Ave. 





November 20, 2023

Commissioners present were Mike Schoenwald, Krista Herling, Staci Shearer, Barbara Walters, and Matthew Crane. Staff present was Jon Johnston. Guest present was Rich Cole.

The minutes of the November 6, 2023, meeting was approved as corrected.

The agenda of November 20 was approved as written.

Public comment:

  • Rich asks if we will own the wells that Microsoft is putting in. Yes.
    Recycling of the water after going through their buildings? No.
    Land for the water tanks and the tanks will all be owned by MWD? Yes.
    Tanks only feed Microsoft data centers? No, they will feed the entire system.
    Mark and Kari Price called with questions about the tank area, wanting to know how big the tanks will be, but we don’t know yet until we receive the engineering report on the recently-completed aquifer pumping test. The tanks can’t be buried, they cost too much. You’ll still see the top anyway.
    Account 169 didn’t pay her bill on time and didn’t get the check to the office. Jon gave her extra time when she said it was in the mail and it still wasn’t there. She had to come down and pay and was mad. But she was 45 days past billing at that point.

Sent Dish a notice, no response.
Verizon sent back a note, need comments from Allison, but she hasn’t had time yet. Is the bond they are required to have enough to say that we’re not taking a significant risk and let it sublease without district consent? What would the high-enough rent have to be?


Ran well 6 pump 12.5 days at about 1200 gpm, 24/7. The monitoring well water level went down about 3 inches. Well 6 water went down about 3 feet. We should have our report by the 2nd meeting in December. We will ask Adam Neff of RH2 Engineering to come and talk about it with us on the 18th.
There is a potential to buy property next to the pallet mill from Precision Waterjet and use the property for both the peace officers’ firing range and a redundant well. The plan is to transfer the GBI water right to that property.
Malaga Water District has to be more involved in all the Port-Microsoft meetings and decisions, and Jon is now invited to the MS meetings on the opposite Fridays from the Port meeting. They hadn’t even notified Jon when the well 6 test started, and the well was locked behind a fence.
One hydrant on the 18-inch pipe failed the bacteria test so it has to be bleached again.

Old Business:

System report: Manager:

Bill is back from sick leave. He was out all last week. Eagle View lines are hooked up, 1 has a meter. Still waiting on the last piece to put in the Cla-Val valve from Consolidated. Hopefully it will arrive very soon. Parts are out 7 months, so Jon is ordering well in advance.
PUD is coming tomorrow to change 8 more power meters because they didn’t know what they were doing, so they arranged a specific time with Jon.

Discussed the district financial statement. Gordy Goodwin from Stemilt called to ask if we were still going to pay them since Kevin Juchmes was retiring. Jon said no and he said they expected that. We just need to write a formal letter terminating the contract. Jon will draft it and send it to Matthew for review.

Onsite fuel tank storage will be too expensive by the time we do everything the County wants us to do.

New Business:

Commissioner Discussion:

Vouchers were presented and signed. 9 lines for a total of $9,763.46

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting December 4, 2023, at 3957 Malaga Ave.